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  • Writer's pictureJacqui Grant

Weight Management - Bariatric Surgery

Connect and Grow Magazine - April 2024 - Edition 8

When it comes to weight management, the power is in your hands. Choosing the right program for you and working with your specialist to achieve your goals are essential steps that you can take control of.

It is also important to celebrate your wins along the way and know that your body will respond differently to others following the same program as you or have had the same weight loss surgery - bariatric surgery.

We are all unique, and our body sizes and proportions are very different, so you may notice that you lose centimeters/inches off one part of your body before another. But remember, with consistency and patience, your body will adjust, and you will see overall progress in your weight loss journey.

This Month, I am celebrating a milestone in my weight release journey. I have kept my weight off now for over 5 years. It was I will share a few strategies I have used, such as portion control, regular exercise, and mindful eating, and people I have worked with on their journey post-bariatric surgery.


I have kept the weight I released (a term I use to describe my weight loss journey) off for six years now. I went from my highest weight of 168 kg to 54 kg and maintained a weight range of 58 - 62 kg, which is healthy for me.

The journey has not been easy, and while some of the challenges have made me question my decisions, I am alive today, and had I not taken any action, I may not be.

Every day when overweight was a challenge, and it impacted every aspect of my life, my self-esteem, the jobs I had and also my energy levels. I struggled with my health also

Compared to those who have not, people who have had bariatric surgery can follow a few different strategies.

Diet, exercise, hydration and mindset apply to every weight release program and play an essential part in achieving long-term success. Rest assured, these strategies have been proven effective and can guide you towards your weight management goals.

Age, medical conditions, and medications may impact the rate at which weight is released from the body. Understanding your body, approach to weight release, and relationship with food is crucial to long-term success.

The following are some strategies you may find useful as you work on your weight post-bariatric surgery.



Portion sizes are important for long term success

After undergoing bariatric surgery, it is essential to follow a healthy lifestyle to achieve long-term weight loss and maintain a healthy weight. Here are some strategies for weight release post-bariatric surgery:

1. Follow the recommended post-surgery diet: Your healthcare provider will provide a specific diet plan after surgery. It is essential to follow this plan to ensure proper healing and weight loss.

2. Stay hydrated: Drink plenty of water and fluids to prevent dehydration and promote weight loss.

3. Exercise regularly: Exercise is essential for weight loss and maintaining a healthy weight. Start with light exercises and gradually increase the intensity and duration as you heal.

Creating new exercise habits will significantly affect your results and help you keep the weight off. Exercise can also assist with releasing excess fat, building muscle, and strengthening your body.

4. Eat slowly and mindfully: Eating slowly and chewing your food thoroughly can help you eat less and prevent overeating. Also, pay attention to your body's hunger and fullness cues. This will be a habit that is for you long term. Many people need help to slow down the speed at which they eat, so I encourage you to be patient with these changes. One strategy to slow your eating speed and check in with your body is to put your knife, fork, and spoon down while chewing your food. Also, notice the taste of the food and what you enjoy about it. This is mindful eating and is an excellent way to help you be aware of how much you are eating and how fast you are.

Often, our eyes and minds tell us we can eat more than we physically can after surgery.

5. Avoid high-calorie foods: Avoid sugary, high-fat, and high-carb foods that can sabotage your weight loss efforts. Instead, focus on lean proteins, vegetables, and fruits.

Enjoying food is important after all it is part of our basic survival needs, however in this century, a lot of foods have a lot of additives to add taste so that you will buy them, it more about making money than providing nutrition with some foods, for example, chicken crips/chips are loaded with flavours, salt and fats, there is no nutrition in them, no matter how yummy they may taste for some people.

6. Attend support groups: Joining a support group can provide you with emotional support and practical tips for managing your weight after surgery.

Remember, weight loss after bariatric surgery is a journey that requires commitment, patience, and persistence. Stick to your post-surgery plan and work closely with your healthcare provider to achieve your weight loss goals.

As you progress past the initial postoperative stage and head into your first-year post-surgery, you will notice how your body changes. You will have let go of a significant amount of weight and may even notice that you can eat a little more.

You may also notice that certain foods are more accessible than others, which is normal. You may experience reflux, which is referred to as the foamies. This is where you feel unwell after you eat and may end up vomiting what looks like foam. This will settle in time; however, seeking professional help from your surgeon or GP is essential.

Your body will go through stages of not releasing any weight, which is perfectly normal, so be patient with yourself.

A great way to help you stay on track is to buy something new from time to time, such as a new top or an outfit. It doesn't have to cost much money, but it can lift your mindset and attitude.

Attitude is important. There will be days that are a struggle, and then suddenly, you look in the mirror or put your clothes on and notice the difference in your clothes and that you are progressing. Having a can-do attitude got me through those tough times, and it helped me keep my eye on my goal.

Why! Why are you choosing to release this weight? When you can remember why you decided to have this surgery and make these changes in your life, it can be so much easier to keep going and to have patience. My why was to live and stay alive to see my children live and be part of their lives for as long as possible. I wanted to live without worrying about breaking a chair when I sat on it or getting stuck in a chair because I was too big. I tried to look at myself in the mirror and be proud.

What is your why for having surgery other than weight loss, as the weight will come off and it can also come back? The key to long-term success is staying close to the benefits of releasing weight. How different will your life be?




Written by Jacqui Grant



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(C) 2024 Break Free Consultancy Connect and Grow Magazine

Disclaimer: All information in this article is accurate at the time of publication and is general information. The reader should always work closely with their medical team.

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