NDIS Registration
The NDIS registration has a lot of moving parts to it.
Depending on the services that you are looking to provide it can be easy for you to do each step yourself or you may require assistance from someone like us, here at Break Free Consultancy.
One of the key factors to remember is Conflict of Interest and NDIS code of conduct.
Many providers choose to registered for almost every module there is and find themselves having a lot of challenges later on as they are often breaching Conflict of interest and in some cases the NDIS code of conduct.
An important part of the NDIS registration is having all your document, policies and procedures, we are able to assist you with those also.
Have a few questions, why not book a call
Ways we can work with you for NDIS Registration.
Consultation Support
We offer 1 or 2 hour sessions to work with you for your business and assisting with NDIS registration process.
These sessions are about supporting you and filling the gaps for business.
Pay as you go option that allows you to book in when you are ready.
Choose which one suits you:
1 hour session - $220
2 hour session- $440
Full business SEt up and Consultancy support
We work with you on the application form, preparing for audit and ensure you have the right documents, policies and procedures for you.
Price depends on the number of hours of support that you require and the comprehensive document, policy and procedure bundle.
Starts from $2492.00 - includes documents, policies and procedures templates,
4 x 1 hour sessions.
To start please complete this form, we will then send you, an email with the next step:
Like further information, book FREE call to discuss your needs:
Documents, Policies and Procedures only
A huge part of your business and preparing for NDIS registration, your documents, policies and procedures.
We have bundles that include a comprehensive set of documents, policies and procedures templated ready for YOU to adapt and ensure they meet your services and best represent your business.
You can find them in our disability sector store, simply scroll through to find the right bundle for you
The templates are easy to adapt and make them suit your business.
NdIS registration course - step by step for NDIS REgistration
This course is perfect for those who would like to do the registration process themselves.
Step by step guide to applying for NDIS registration yourself.
The documents, policies and procedures you require are in addition to this step by step course.